Friday, August 9, 2024

If you feel.dizzy feel dizzy of fainted is because either you have not eaten, or your pulse παλμός πιεση is very low or high. Check your pulse with the thumb.and your pointer to your wrist and count 1 minute. Ask your doctors.which are your normal.rates of your pulse. Dring orange Mandarin's lemon watermelon 🍉  any other fruit with acute όξινη γευση taste to lower your pulse. Drink coffee salty.biscuit or plain salt ατόφιο αλατη Coca cola Pepsi to increase your pulse

Ask your doctors about.that you.will pay 10.euros by phoning them. At Greece

Saturday, June 8, 2024


By nature there are different abilities and structure of mind to men and different to women. That is why we have Two (2) genders men and women that both as One when they co-operate together as much as possible and with good-will, they solve and make things happen well.

There is No question about "equality" of the two genders simply because men and women have to talk, think, pray and act together feeling as One in order to achieve separately or together and sustain life. Some things men do better, some other things, women do better, its like the members of our body with different functions and abilities.

Men that listen more to women have more benefit of the heart-like, sentimental problems that to the very-end are mostly valuable in terms of the question: <why we live on earth struggling in the eternity of life and time in the universe>

"Struggling": To labor in pain or anguish; to be in agony; to labor in

any kind of difficulty or distress.

Jun 29, 2013 (a Diplomatic award)

Convention means συμβασης, συνθηκη, τυπικος, τα νενομισμένα, έθος. Συμβαση means agreement, pact, contract, treaty, convention.

Because people grow up in different ways and with different experiences, different priorities, and different perspectives of reality, it needs effort and time to agree on things that relate either to relationships, commercial agreements, business contracts, nations treaties, security pacts or natural conventions.

To have common mind and sense to all of this the prerequisite is compassion and truthfulness. What are our priorities as humans? To live in harmony with each other, respect and help as much as we can each other. As we all know which are the needs of humans, we provide the necessary environment to achieve so. We do not criticise (κρίνω) others, we listen to them. Then with the qualification we have as all and individually we complete the steps towards the achievement of the needs, ward off the fears and give hope to the society.

We plan for the next 10 years but we live for the actual day, meaning that everyday has its obligations which many times are off the plan but help it to achieve it.

Proverb: Its better to give money for free than to lend. It costs almost the same

Proverb: Its better to give money for free than to lend. It costs almost the same.

 Why is that? Banks have an important and very critical function to the welfare of nations. They lend money with interest rates and they demand the money back. This is happening to the cause of making profit in order to finance more investments and make the economy work, they also cover their operating costs with these profits. But what means “the economy work”, it means people to be engaged in production of goods, services and utilities. If all these are satisfied the goal is matched.

 So we go the Proverb: to give money for free than to lend. It costs almost the same. It does because if the economy works everybody is happy and the people in institutions when they leave office on 14:00 they face a thriving and well satisfied economy and individuals. They go here and there and see happy faces working for them and for everybody. This is the goal to give money for free and enjoy a good cup of coffee or a drink and a meal in a society when everybody is with everybody and the whole wants the  nation to be successful. Together we stand, divided (and dividend) we fall. In a Holy Book it says that if the borrower is a poor man spare the amount you gave to him, this way you receive grace from God.

 If a company away from the burden of giving back the money to the bank, operates with full just and speed then the bank enjoys all the good and beneficial arrangements and goods for that the company was first established.

 Idolatry which is loving money, is the cause of many failments.

There is no religion, no colour, no country or ethnic desendence of those that believe to God


Dear fellow Europeans.

In our world we do a mistake that the holy bible gives the solution: It says, There is no religion, no colour, no country or ethnic desendence of those that believe to God and follow the 10 commandments of Moses. In other words, every human no matter in what country or religion it belongs as long as it has love for his neighbors, helpful attitude and respect to nature he is a good citizen of the world. We are born without the ability to choose either our country or our religion. We try as humans everyday to understand reality, to survive and to fill our needs. But with everything that is going on, we many times are unable to interpret reality and to take good decisions. The basic commandment is: " do not judge for not to be judged". We forget this everyday, every minute there is a judgment in everywhere we go and everything we do. The prophets came to earth as messengers to cure the sick and those that have ignorance, the healthy people and those that are written in the book of life need no doctor. Many  people have ignorance and its because education stops at school or  university and then information for life is limited quality.

 To every person i speak i say that the only good book to read when young is the holy bible and your lessons at school. After we look our family first, our friends and we never interfere to other people's affairs unless business wise we are asked to. We work and enjoy life having respect to everything surround us.

 There are people on this earth that work everyday for us to have good services, products and material. Those people spend tremendous amount of thinking and work for us to enjoy life. We must pay highest respect to them as well as all the politicians must listen to their demands in order to make things easier for them and better for the people they serve. Politicians have received this request long time ago and they follow.

 Thank you for your support and good disposition to the well and positive that life has to offer.

 Michael Lambrou

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Ο αληθινος πλουτος

 Ο αληθινός πλούτος ενός ανθρώπου είναι το καλό που έχει κάνει στον κοσμο. Η αξία της εμπειρίας δεν είναι να βλεπεις πολλά άλλα να βλεπεις σοφα. Οι νεοι κατω των 150 χρονων δεν γνωρίζουν αρκετά για να είναι συνετοι και έτσι κανουν αποπειρα το αδύνατο και τα καταφέρνουν γενιά με την γενια. Οι νεοι της Ελλάδος έχουν συνεση και διδάσκονται σωστά από τους γονείς τους. Ειναι εργατικοί και γεμάτη καλοσύνη. Δίδαξε στο παιδί σου γράμματα και να είσαι αυστηρός μαζί του για να το έχεις κοντά σου ακίνδυνο. Δειξε του.και αγαπη και αυστηρότητα για να σε αγαπήσει και να σε υπακούει. Αυστηρότητα δειξε του σε λιγοστά θέματα καίρια για την ζωή του. Αγαπη σε όλες τις εκφράσεις της ζωής σου.

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Στην συζητηση περι διαφορετικων πολιτικων πεποιθησεων

 Στην ατέρμονη και κουραστική συζήτηση περί εθνικισμού, καπιταλισμού, δεξιών, αριστερων, συμμαχιών, συμπάθειας, αντιπαθείας ( όλα αυτά με βάση τις εμπειρίες του κάθε ατόμου μπορούν να έχουν μια μικρή η μεγάλη δόση αληθειας) το βέλτιστο και σωστο και ανθρώπινο είναι: Με την στήριξη των ισχυρών υποστηρίζουμε τους αδυνατους ( Ίσχυς: γνώση, η ικανότητα να μαθαινεις, η γνώση πρέπει να συνοδεύεται με αγάπη για τον πλησίον σου). Η παιδεία αρχικά ήταν ατελής για αυτο οι άνθρωποι στον κόσμο έχουν άγνοια (ignorance). Κανείς δεν έχει διαβάσει τον νόμο του Μωησεως αν το τηρησεις προχωράς (10 εντολες)

Βοηθεια στους παραβατικους

 Όταν κάποιος έχει παραβατικη συμπεριφορα αν τον βοηθήσεις και του συμπεριφερθεις σωστά και ευγενικά τότε θα πάψει να την έχει και θα γίνει σωστός πολίτης. Αν τον αντιμετωπίσεις βάναυσα τότε η κοινωνία η ευρύτερη θα είναι βεβαρημένη και με κινδυνους

Thursday, April 4, 2024

Το νοημα της Εκκλησιας

 Οποιαδήποτε Εκκλησία προσευχετε για τους δικούς τους ανθρωπους να είναι καλά. Όλοι οι άνθρωποι που προσερχονται στην Εκκλησια εύχονται για την οικογένεια τους να είναι αρμονική η ζωη τους και η συνύπαρξη με τον άλλο κόσμο συζητωντας. Αυτό έχει το νόημα της Εκκλησίας. Συνάθροιση ατόμων για να αισθάνονται μια κοινοτητα και να συζητάνε τα προβλήματα τους με τους ανθρώπους γύρω τους

Young people must be excused

 Do not give young people information which is wrong, they will be totally mad and might kill them selfs. Young people get sentimentally frustrated very easy. They believe very easy what they hear, see or read. If it is wrong what they hear see or read they might behave wrongly. You must excuse people under 40 years old and do not punish them severely. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

Your partners

  In every relationship we make we gain power by interacting with each other or interceding. Forgiveness by talking to each other is a must. There are worst situations at life than to a relation of your mate with another person: deseises fires, demolishments, earthquakes, deaths, overflows, gun shots etc. 


As i wrote you to my "writings on subjects" document, hope you have it, religions are created for people to understand reality, survive and fulfill their needs which are both spiritual and practical. Unfortunately the rumor that Muslims are different from Christians has overspread with fear into it and non-understanding. Muslims are more peaceful than Christians but because they face prosecution they react to the negative sentiment people have towards them, in an negative also way as they cannot defend them selfs differently: too much pressure, too much mis information, too much decline from other people. If we take a human no matter its religion and impose to him restrictions he will become defensive and negative, and this state of mind will further more drive other people that HAVE NO LOVE, to an even more negativeness. I lived in a Muslim country. The best years of my entire life. No one hurt me, no one was against me. Many people came to my assistance.  All people want to be respected, not talked badly and feel they are welcomed in all religions because as i told you religions are: gatherings speaking the language, knowing each other and praying to God for help, guidance and wisdom.

Monday, March 25, 2024


For universities: Open books for Knowledge-Learning. Date :08/08/2014

Learning is a matter of analyse (resolve) , composition (synthesis) and memory. The first is made by looking into the problem and understanding its elements, aspects and nature, the second is made by taking all the previous facts and creating a service, a machine or a product. The third depends on the amount of physical and spiritual capability of the individual and on computers. In the examinations of universities people tend not to open the books, but for complex mathematical, scientific, social and engineering matters it is obligatory, to have open books The student out of so many information available in those fields needs to analyse and compose its thoughts and practices with the books open. This way memory is not an obstacle in the course of learning. The student after, in his mature life, remembers that he succeeded at his diploma with the books open at the examinations and gives value and merit to the books. He opens the books and remembers what he have read many years ago, creating and improving the first two matters of learning (analysis and composition). The books are a tool of knowledge and happiness at his job as it was in his university life.