Friday, December 27, 2024

Reality for a soul

People do a mistake they depict (απεικονιζω) reality with pictures, movies and voice in order to take decisions for the individual only for one day. You should decide for the individual from all his life.  Do you remember saying that touching your nose declares you are lying, its wrong, people touch their noses when they want to forget. When you take decision after what you see on the day, its bad practice, the fundamentals are in the bible as it says : God will place His law into their minds and His commands into their hearts. We are like that, not liking the bad things and feel happy for the good things. Loving our neighbour, our fellow citizen and do to others what we want to happen to us, and its happening, despite all the pain our souls are full of peace and light.

Banks and free Loans Document published 2010

Proverb: Its better to give money for free than to lend. It costs almost the same.

Why is that? Banks have an important and very critical function to the welfare of nations. They lend money with interest rates and they demand the money back. This is happening to the cause of making profit in order to finance more investments and make the economy work, they also cover their operating costs with these profits. But what means “the economy work”, it means people to be engaged in production of goods, services and utilities. If all these are satisfied the goal is matched.

So we go the Proverb: to give money for free than to lend. It costs almost the same. It does because if the economy works everybody is happy and the people in institutions when they leave office on 14:00 they face a thriving and well satisfied economy and individuals. They go here and there and see happy faces working for them and for everybody. This is the goal to give money for free and enjoy a good cup of coffee or a drink and a meal in a society when everybody is with everybody and the allwants the  nation to be successful. Together we stand, divided (and dividend) we fall. In a Holy Book it says that if the borrower is a poor man spare the amount you gave to him, this way you receive grace from God.

If a company away from the burden of giving back the money to the bank, operates with full just and speed then the bank enjoys all the good and beneficial arrangements and goods for that the company was first established. 

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Αγαπη προς τον πλησιον, προς τον αλλον

 Υπάρχει σύμπνοια σε πολλες κοινωνικές και πολιτικές καταστάσεις. Οι άνθρωποι αρχίζουν να καταλαβαινουν ότι η αγάπη προς το πλησίον είναι πάντα προς ωφελος τους. Αντίθετα η υπονομευση των άλλων δεν οδηγεί πουθενά, βλάπτει και τον έναν και τον αλλον. Η TV και οι εφημεριδες είναι ευχάριστες και πιο θετικές, χαλαρώνεις βλέποντας της. Η ανώτερη εντολή που έχει δοθεί είναι να αγαπάς τους άλλους ανθρώπους όπως αγαπάς τον εαυτο σου, και να αγαπάς τον Θεό με όλη την δύναμη του μυαλού σου, της ψυχής σου και της καρδιας σου

Authorities, power

There are authorities (αρχή, αυθεντια) that are benevolent (καλοκάγαθος, αγαθοεργος ευσπλαχνος) they are free to decide what to do because they always do the right things and nice results are brought from them from their decisions. You should respect them and treat them like God's

Coffee with no sugar

 Μην πεινετε καφε με ζαχαρη. Ο καφες ανεβαζει την πιεση και η ζαχαρη την κατεβαζει. Θα υποφερετε απο αρρυθμια καρδιας. Και μετα απο πολλα χρονια θα υποφερετε απο μαρμαρυγη. Κοιμοσαστε αν πεινετε καφε με ζαχαρη. Για να γιατρευτειτε απο την μαρμαρυγη να τρωτε πρασινα. Μαρουλια, σπανακι αβοκαντο, λαχανακια βρυξελων, ραδυκια μαιντανο ανηθο δυοσμο  σελινο kiwi. Δεν ταιριαζουν καφες με πρασινα μαζι

10 commandments

In our world we do a mistake It says: There is no religion, no colour, no country or ethnic descendant’s of those that believe to God and obey the 10 commandments of Moses. In other words, every human no matter in what country or religion it belongs as long as it has love for his neighbours, helpful attitude and respect to nature he is a good citizen of the world. We are born without the ability to choose either our country or our religion. We try as humans everyday to understand reality, to survive and to fill our needs. But with everything that is going on, we many times are unable to interpret reality and to take good decisions. The basic commandment is: " do not judge for not to be judged". We forget this everyday, every minute there is a judgment in everywhere we go and everything we do. The prophets came to earth as messengers to cure the sick and those that have ignorance, the healthy people and those that are written in the book of life need no doctor. Many people have ignorance and its because education stops at school or university and then information  life is limited or bad quality.

To every person i speak i say that the only good book to read when young is the holy bible and your lessons at school. After we look our family first, our friends and we never interfere to other people's affairs unless business wise we are asked to. We work and enjoy life having respect to everything surround us.

There are people on this earth that work everyday for us to have good services and products Those people spend tremendous amount of thinking and work for us to enjoy life. We must pay highest respect to them as well as all the politicians must listen to their demands in order to make things easier for them and better for the people they serve. Politicians have received this request long time ago and they follow.

Thank you for your support and good disposition to the well and positive that life has to offer.

Michael Lambrou

Monday, December 16, 2024


For universities: Open books for Knowledge-Learning. Date :08/08/2014

Learning is a matter of analyse (resolve) 

synthesis and memory. The first is made by looking into the problem and understanding its aspects and nature, the second is made by taking all the previous facts and creating a service, a machine or a product. The third depends on the amount of physical and spiritual capability of the individual and on computers. In the examinations of universities people tend not to open the books, but for complex mathematical, scientific, social and engineering matters it is obligatory, to have open books The student out of so many information available in those fields needs to analyse its thoughts and practices with the books open. This way memory is not an obstacle in the course of learning. The student after, in his mature life, remembers that he succeeded at his diploma with the books open at the examinations and gives value and merit to the books. He opens the books and remembers what he have read many years ago, creating and improving the first subjects of learning (analysis and synthesis). The books are a tool of knowledge and happiness at his job as it was in his university life. The first is made by looking into the problem and understanding its elements, aspects and nature, the second is made by taking all the previous facts and creating a service, a machine or a product. The third depends on the amount of physical and spiritual capability of the individual and on computers. In the examinations of universities people tend not to open the books, but for complex mathematical, scientific, social and engineering matters it is obligatory, to have open books The student out of so many information available in those fields needs to analyse and compose its thoughts and practices with the books open. This way memory is not an obstacle in the course of learning. The student after, in his mature life, remembers that he succeeded at his diploma with the books open at the examinations and gives value and merit to the books. He opens the books and remembers what he have read many years ago, creating and improving the first two subjects of learning (analysis and synthesis). The books are a tool of knowledge and happiness at his job as it was in his university life.


 Δεν αρνούμαι τίποτα. Σε καμία περίπτωση δεν θέτω εμπόδια ουτε προκαλώ συγκρούσεις. Αν ο άνθρωπος βάλει το καθήκον πρώτα και την επιτυχία ύστερα, δε θα βελτιώσει τον χαρακτήρα του; Αν κάποιος καταπολεμά τα δικά του σφάλματα και όχι των άλλων δε θα τα διορθωσει;

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


 Driving needs no hasty (pressure). In a distance of 30 kilometres (km) if you drive your car with 60 km instead of 80 or 90km, the time you are late in your destination is about 1 or 2 minutes. This is also because the traffic lights with stop you sometime. The minutes you are late you spend them in house many times by doing nothing useful or resting. The lack of anxiety in driving, if everyone goes to the speed limits and cars are on the same line makes driving more secure and pleasuring. Also by adjusting the speed limits of the roads (according to safety standards) gives a smooth and even faster way in your destination. So in the distance of 30km's we mentioned if everyone goes the same safe speed with lights to the green more time than usual, then the rush hours clears faster and intersections with smaller roads move better. Also the offices can adjust the employees arriving time with 10 minutes later arriving in every area so that not all cars are on the road on the same time (rush hours). Think in the office that not all minutes people are working, they talk or eat so arriving a little late is not a problem.


Η Πολυπληθεστερη του Χριστου Εκκλησια

Εκκλησία σημαίνει εκ-καλω δηλαδή καλώ τους πάντες να έχουν σέβας προς τον Υψίστον, προς τους ηγέτες και βασιλιάδες, προς τους προεδρους και τους αρχηγούς, προς όλους τους ανθρώπους που είναι χρήσιμοι σε αυτήν την κοινωνία. Χριστος είναι κάθε άνθρωπος που είναι χρήσιμος στον κοσμο, στους φίλους του και στην οικογένεια του. Όλος ο πλανήτης είναι χρήσιμος στους αλλους ανθρωπους. Το να συμπαραστεκεσαι είναι εντελως δωρεάν, να μάθουν όλοι οι άνθρωποι αυτόν τον κανόνα. Ειτε με χρήματα, είτε με μια βοήθεια στην εργασία του άλλου, είτε με έναν καλό λόγο. Η αφιλοκερδη αγαπη προς τον αλλον άνθρωπο προς τον πλησιον σου δίχως κριτική είναι μια καλή διάθεση που πρέπει να έχει ο καθένας

The value of an experience

 Proverb: "The value of an experience is not to see many things, is to see wise."

Lets explain the above proverb. Many humans want to "see" many things, to "have" many. 

Proverb number 2: "Happy person is not the one that have the best things is the one that do his best with what he has." All misery on our planet is because people think that they will have a valuable experience when they have many, see many, gain many, eat many. The value of an experience is to see wise, this way you gain pleasure and apply-adapt-fit-practice the Proverb number 3: "The greatest fortune is the fullness-completenes with some things."Proverb No 3: There are two (2) goals in life: first to win what you want with good practices and after to enjoy it with good sentiments

Food / Φαγητα

 Φατε κατι διαφορετικο για να κορεσεται (ικανοποιησετε) την πείνα σας. Πεινατε αν τρωτε τα ίδια φαγητα. Να τρωτε οτι εχετε ορεξη στην ζωη σας, ετσι θα εισαστε υγιεις. Μην απεχετε απο φαγητα που εχετε ορεξη. Αν ειστε εξαρτημενος να φατε κατι της ιδιας κατηγοριας, φρουτα, γαλα, τσαι, οσπρια, ελιες (ειναι αντικαρκινηκες -- anti cancer) Δείτε διαφορετικά φαγητα και διαλέξτε μερικά που δεν έχετε φάει ποτέ. Έτσι θα χορτασετε πλήρως. Θα απορροφηθούν αμέσως από το σώμα σας και δεν θα πεινατε. Όχι πολλούς συνδυασμους φαγητων μέσα στην ημέρα. Μόνο φαγητα που ταιριάζουν στην συνταγή. Θα αρρωστησετε αν τρωτε πολλα διαφορετικά φαγητα μέσα στην ημέρα. Με ελιτε κρακερς η ψωμι η cream crackers papadopoulou, ή μακαρονια γιατρευοσαστε