Sunday, March 10, 2024

Synthetic meat (artificial) good for health

Artificial Meat is much better for your health, different taste, and have more satisfaction over hunger.

Artificial Meat you can find everywhere in the Markets in forms of ready made round steaks, sausages, and slices of meat that are thin and you place them in sandwiches. Also Artificial Meat is in a product called "parizan" in greek. People that eat only artificial meat, moderately, are in good shape.

Red meat from animals is not good for your health, it makes you feel tired. It makes you also over weighted (fat),and you feel hungry after few hours that you have eaten, makes you ageing (γηρασκω,) red meat increases cholesterol that blocks the blood arteries of your heart. [Cholesterol and Blood pressure goes down, decreases, with Lemons, Mandarin's and Oranges and also plenty of other fruits that contain acute (Sourness) flavour].

Red Meat can be replaced with Dairy which is a good source of Protein. In other words you can take all the Protein that your organism-body needs daily from Dairy which is---> Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Eggs, that keep also bones and teeth healthy. People that eat Dairy from early life have better stamina –:>[is the energy and the physical, mental, or emotional strength that you need in order to continue with an activity for a long period of time].

Finally Starch (Amilon in greek) does NOT make you over weighted to much because it is absorbed very quickly from the human body. People that eat often Starch –->[dry legumes (ospria in greek), bread, corn, pasta, pizza, potato, rice, oat etc] are always in good shape. Those foods can be combined plentiful with many vegetables