Saturday, June 8, 2024

There is no religion, no colour, no country or ethnic desendence of those that believe to God


Dear fellow Europeans.

In our world we do a mistake that the holy bible gives the solution: It says, There is no religion, no colour, no country or ethnic desendence of those that believe to God and follow the 10 commandments of Moses. In other words, every human no matter in what country or religion it belongs as long as it has love for his neighbors, helpful attitude and respect to nature he is a good citizen of the world. We are born without the ability to choose either our country or our religion. We try as humans everyday to understand reality, to survive and to fill our needs. But with everything that is going on, we many times are unable to interpret reality and to take good decisions. The basic commandment is: " do not judge for not to be judged". We forget this everyday, every minute there is a judgment in everywhere we go and everything we do. The prophets came to earth as messengers to cure the sick and those that have ignorance, the healthy people and those that are written in the book of life need no doctor. Many  people have ignorance and its because education stops at school or  university and then information for life is limited quality.

 To every person i speak i say that the only good book to read when young is the holy bible and your lessons at school. After we look our family first, our friends and we never interfere to other people's affairs unless business wise we are asked to. We work and enjoy life having respect to everything surround us.

 There are people on this earth that work everyday for us to have good services, products and material. Those people spend tremendous amount of thinking and work for us to enjoy life. We must pay highest respect to them as well as all the politicians must listen to their demands in order to make things easier for them and better for the people they serve. Politicians have received this request long time ago and they follow.

 Thank you for your support and good disposition to the well and positive that life has to offer.

 Michael Lambrou