Saturday, June 8, 2024

Jun 29, 2013 (a Diplomatic award)

Convention means συμβασης, συνθηκη, τυπικος, τα νενομισμένα, έθος. Συμβαση means agreement, pact, contract, treaty, convention.

Because people grow up in different ways and with different experiences, different priorities, and different perspectives of reality, it needs effort and time to agree on things that relate either to relationships, commercial agreements, business contracts, nations treaties, security pacts or natural conventions.

To have common mind and sense to all of this the prerequisite is compassion and truthfulness. What are our priorities as humans? To live in harmony with each other, respect and help as much as we can each other. As we all know which are the needs of humans, we provide the necessary environment to achieve so. We do not criticise (κρίνω) others, we listen to them. Then with the qualification we have as all and individually we complete the steps towards the achievement of the needs, ward off the fears and give hope to the society.

We plan for the next 10 years but we live for the actual day, meaning that everyday has its obligations which many times are off the plan but help it to achieve it.