Children think with their instincts. Up to the age of 18 you are a child. From 18 to 40 an adolescent, from 40 to 110 you are a youngster and after 110 you become a man. Those ages can change according to education.
When educating a child or asking to learn, obey and act you have to know that their instincts are what sometimes drives them. Instincts come from mother nature, from the spirit every person has within, so old people when interacting with children must know that learning them words or showing them actions and deeds is something that has to be done with respect of their instincts. We learn from child's as much as we learn from an old person, so sometimes young people have in need to be listened and understood. Children not always remember what they did or said so speaking to them is what an old person has to do to discover what the child needs.