Thursday, February 27, 2025

Ποιο Νεοι απο εξιδικευμενους Γιατρους

 Mην τρωτε αληθινο κρεας, η σαρκα του ζωου δεν ειναι η ιδια με την σαρκα του ανθρωπου. Θα απορροφηθει και θα εχετε μελανωματα, θα σαπισει το δερμα σας και ας εχετε το ιδιο αιμα με του ζωου. Για να γιατρευτητε να τρωτε συνθετικο κρεας και δημητριακα. Ρωτηστε τον γιατρο σας οποιασδηποτε ειδικοτητας πως θα γινετε ποιο νεοι. Υπαρχουν εξειδικευμενοι γιατροι για αυτο το θεμα

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Οχι αλατι και ζαχαρη μαζι

 Σε οποιοδηποτε φαγητο φτιαχνουμε, οτιδηποτε τρωγετε να μην βαζουμε αλατι και ζαχαρη μαζι, το πρωτο σε κανει και ιδρωνεις και ανεβαζει την πιεση, το δευτερο σου ριχνει την πιεση. Αυτα τα δυο δεν συνδυαζονται αλατι και ζαχαρη. Συντηρητικα ειναι και τα δυο καθως επισης το λαδι και το ξυδι.

Friday, February 7, 2025

Jun 29, 2013 (a Diplomatic award)


Συνθηκη, τυπικος, τα νενομισμένα, έθος. Συμβαση means agreement, pact, contract, treaty.

Because people grow up in different ways and with different experiences, different priorities, and different perspectives of reality, it needs effort and time to agree on things that relate either to relationships, commercial agreements, business contracts, nations treaties, security pacts.

To have common mind and sense to all of this the prerequisite is compassion and truthfulness. What are our priorities as humans? To live in harmony with each other, respect and help as much as we can each other. As we all know which are the needs of humans, we provide the necessary environment to achieve so. We do not criticise (κρίνω) others, we listen to them. Then with the qualification we have aa all and individually we complete the steps towards the achievement of the needs, ward off the fears and give hope to the society.

We plan for the next 10 years but we live for the actual day, meaning that everyday has its obligations which many times are off the plan but help it to achieve it.

Information to young people

 Do not give young people information which is wrong, they will be totally mad and might kill them selfs. Young people get sentimentally frustrated very easy. They believe very easy what they hear, see or read. If it is wrong what they hear see or read they might behave wrongly. You must excuse people under 45 years old and do not punish them severely if they did not do something terribly wrong 


 Apple with black ( μαυρη) chocolate and cream fresh Fage only to cure the κερατινηνη of your eye. Or another time carrots with philadelphia or any other cream cheese to cure the white part of your bulb (βολβος).

Aληθινος πλουτος

 Ο αληθινός πλούτος ενός ανθρώπου είναι το καλό που έχει κάνει στον κοσμο. Η αξία της εμπειρίας δεν είναι να βλεπεις πολλά άλλα να βλεπεις σοφα. Οι νεοι κατω των 110 χρονων δεν γνωρίζουν αρκετά για να είναι συνετοι και έτσι κάνουν αποπειρα το αδύνατο και τα καταφέρνουν γεναιά με την γεναια. Οι νεοι της Ελλάδος έχουν συνεση και διδάσκονται σωστά από τους γονείς τους. Ειναι εργατικοί και γεμάτη καλοσύνη. Δίδαξε στο παιδί σου γράμματα και να είσαι αυστηρός μαζί του για να το έχεις κοντά σου ακίνδυνο. Δειξε του.και αγαπη και αυστηρότητα για να σε αγαπήσει και να σε υπακούει. Αυστηρότητα δειξε του σε λιγοστά θέματα καίρια για την ζωή του. Αγαπη σε όλες τις εκφράσεις της ζωής σου.

Insticts of young people

Children think with their instincts. Up to the age of 18 you are a child. From 18 to 40 an adolescent, from 40 to 110 you are a youngster and after 110 you become a man. Those ages can change according to education.

When educating a child or asking to learn, obey and act you have to know that their instincts are what sometimes drives them. Instincts come from mother nature, from the spirit every person has within, so old people when interacting with children must know that learning them words or showing them actions and deeds is something that has to be done with respect of their instincts. We learn from child's as much as we learn from an old person, so sometimes young people have in need to be listened and understood. Children not always remember what they did or said so speaking to them is what an old person has to do to discover what the child needs.

Artificial Meat

Artificial Meat is much better for your health, different taste, and have more satisfaction over hunger.

Artificial Meat you can find everywhere in the Markets in forms of ready made round steaks, sausages, and slices of meat that are thin and you place them in sandwiches. Also Artificial Meat is in a product called "parizan" in greek. People that eat only artificial meat, moderately, are in good shape.

Red meat from animals is not good for your health, it makes you feel tired. It makes you also over weighted (fat),and you feel hungry after few hours that you have eaten, makes you ageing (γηρασκω,) red meat increases cholesterol that blocks the blood arteries of your heart. [Cholesterol and Blood pressure goes down, decreases, with Lemons, Mandarin's Oranges and also plenty of other fruits that contain acute (Sourness) flavour].

Red Meat can be replaced with Dairy which is a good source of Protein. In other words you can take all the Protein that your organism-body needs daily from Dairy which is---> Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Eggs, that keep also bones and teeth healthy. People that eat Dairy from early life have better stamina –:>[is the energy and the physical, mental, or emotional strength that you need in order to continue with an activity for a long period of time].

Finally Starch (Amilon in greek) does NOT make you over weighted because it is absorbed very quickly from the human body. People that eat often Starch –->[dry legumes (ospria in greek), bread, corn, makaroni, pizza, potato, rice, oat etc] are always in good shape. Those foods can be combined plentiful with many vegetables

Το βελτιστο και σωστο. Document published 2020

 Στην ατέρμονη και κουραστική συζήτηση περί εθνικισμού, καπιταλισμού, δεξιών, αριστερων, συμμαχιών, συμπάθειας, αντιπαθείας ( όλα αυτά με βάση τις εμπειρίες του κάθε ατόμου μπορούν να έχουν μια δόση αληθειας) το βέλτιστο και σωστο και ανθρώπινο είναι: Με την στήριξη των ισχυρών υποστηρίζουμε τους αδυνατους ( Ίσχυς: γνώση, η ικανότητα να μαθαινεις, η γνώση πρέπει να συνοδεύεται με αγάπη για τον πλησίον σου). Η παιδεία αρχικά ήταν ατελής για αυτο οι άνθρωποι στον κόσμο έχουν άγνοια (ignorance). Κανείς δεν έχει διαβάσει τον νόμο του Μωησεως αν το τηρησεις προχωράς (10 εντολες)

Document published 2014

Religions are created for people to understand reality, survive and fulfill their needs which are both spiritual and practical. Unfortunately the rumor that Muslims are different from Christians has overspread with fear into it and non-understanding. Muslims are more peaceful than Christians but because they face prosecution they react to the negative sentiment people have towards them, in an negative also way as they cannot defend them selfs differently: too much pressure, too much mis information, too much decline from other people. If we take a human no matter its religion and impose to him restrictions he will become defensive and negative, and this state of mind will further more drive other people that HAVE NO LOVE, to an even more negativeness. I lived in a Muslim country. The best years of my entire life. No one hurt me, no one was against me. Many people came to my assistance.  All people want to be respected, not talked badly and feel they are welcomed in all religions because as i told you religions are: gatherings speaking the language, knowing each other and praying to God for help, guidance and wisdom.

Καιρος σταματηστε την εναλλαγη

 Do not eat hot beverages with cold food like ice cream with hot coffee your teeth will be broken.  Hot and cold changing of weather affects earth and it is destroyed. Η εναλλαγη του καιρου επηρεαζει τα υλικα και καταστρεφονται. Ο θερμος ηλιος μεσα στο χειμωνα καταστρεφει τα υλικα της γης. Το ζεστο (ηλιος) και κρυο (χειμωνας στο εδαφος) δεν ειναι σωστο. Τα υλικα ετσι καταστρεφονται, βλεπε παραδειγμα δοντια.

Για αυτο κυριο σταματηστε την εναλλαγη του καιρου. 

Letter to China


September 2014. Proverb : “If we donot honour the elders is like demolishing in the morning the house that we are going to sleep in the night.”

The Holy Bible says: Respect God, Love your faithful brothers and sisters, tolerate-forbear-endure everybody and honour your leadership.

Hello from Greece. When I see your country where the only anxiety is that you work a lot or that you label people in order to know who is who and what they can do for the nation, I feel that even this is very worrisome its better than what I live here in Greece.

 You have a nation that everybody knows something, are educated in something, help in something, know somebody that can help, have connection with people that care, have a sense of solidarity-silent stand and anticipation towards each other. You have a nation that your leaders are respecting humans all over the world, help them and want to see them successful, in return they receive naturally their trust and openness. You have a nation that even thought you spend your early years working, your after age Will Be vigorous as your minds are educated and your body is nutriced without real meat of what the bible says a sacrifice of living things to the idols (money) that is detestable. You have plenty of time and decades to rest, relax and enjoy the fruits of your hardship.

Proverb: “When you live, live near the earth (respect earth and everything that is in it: creatures, nature, natural establishments (everything that is made by God to sustain life) ), when you fight be generous, when you govern do not try to control (as an educated nation do not need so), when you are with your family be all your self with it.”

The revolution is on the way you think, you react, you see things and people around you and has taken place without the means of what people do to protest. If I talk to the leaders by a representative and my voice is heard and my life got better in little details then the revolution took place. Every leader has a job, that believe me when they are in their silence they wished they never had. So talking to them they know better what people want, find the ways on what people need and grant them knowledge and education and this way freedom, as the only treasure that is not lost is knowledge.

You stood firm and helpful to my country, you stood firm and helpful to every country, this is your greatest achievement and accomplishment, your leaders worth a merit, your people worth devotion to everything makes them feel happy. Wish you Happy awakenings, Peaceful retreats (sleeping).

Να γελατε κανει καλο  Όταν αισθάνεστε ότι θέλετε να γελάσετε μην συγγρατηθειτε. Μπορεί να γελάτε και να κλαίει η ψυχή σας όπως επίσης μπορεί να κλαίτε και να χαίρεται η ψυχη σας. Επίσης μπορεί να κλαίτε το ιδιο η ψυχή σας η να γελάτε και να γελάει η ψυχή σας

Όταν αισθάνεστε ότι θέλετε να γελάσετε μην συγγρατηθειτε. Μπορεί να γελάτε και να κλαίει η ψυχή σας όπως επίσης μπορεί να κλαίτε και να χαίρεται η ψυχη σας. Επίσης μπορεί να κλαίτε το ιδιο η ψυχή σας η να γελάτε και να γελάει η ψυχή σας. Με το γελιο εκκρινονται ορμονες απαραιτητες για τον οργανισμο

Monday, February 3, 2025

Folic Acid B9 is poison

Folic acid, B9 is poison you get crazy. The cure is to stop it and the following. Το φολικο οξυ ειναι δηλητηριο, τρελαινεσε. Η γιατρεια ειναι να το σταματησεις και το επομενο

Eat dates plant tree, that is the cure. Χουρμας η γιατρεια. Υπαρχουν στα φαρμακεια το χαπι του χουρμα

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Rosemary -Δενδρολιβανο

 Eat rosemary δενδρολιβανο for the base of your scalp to grow. Afterwards eat beans that contain magnesium. Magnesium grows your hair. Beans tomato sauce onions and selino. Onions also grow your hair Eat onions with mashrooms to be more beautiful


 Για να απεξαρτητοποιηθητε απο το αλκοολ, ζαχαρη και καπνισμα, αυγα, ροδια, καφε να πατε στα νοσοκομεια να βαλετε ορους. Θα καθησετε 5 μερες και θα ειστε τελειως απεξαρτητοποιημενοι. Δεν θα θελετε πια να τρωτε αυτα τα φαγητα παρα μονο για λιγο. Να ξαναπατε στα νοσοκομεια αν σας ερθει η ορεξη ή να φατε λιγο